FINALLY!!! The boys came away Friday night with a Championship win. The final score was 17 – 7 and both the pre-game and post-game celebrations were AWESOME!
(Isn't he handsome? Cougars need not apply.)
We arrived at the stadium a couple of hours early to tailgate before the game. There was great food and much laughter in preparation of a challenging game. Here we have my brother and my daughter hamming it up for the camera. Actually, in the second shot I was just trying to get a photo of the sun setting on the stadium BUT Spawnette had to get into the act.
We arrived at the stadium a couple of hours early to tailgate before the game. There was great food and much laughter in preparation of a challenging game. Here we have my brother and my daughter hamming it up for the camera. Actually, in the second shot I was just trying to get a photo of the sun setting on the stadium BUT Spawnette had to get into the act.
(His ears aren't REALLY that big, he just pulled his hat low for a "special Kodak, he'll be pissed when he sees I posted this picture. LOVE YOU FINNIE!!!!)
(Scary shot of her mouth.)
(Scary shot of her mouth.)
After the boys pulled of a much deserved victory I hoofed it down to the field. Looking around I also noticed that no other parents (other than Satan himself who happened to jump the wall) were down on the field. I am such a hoodlum, I know.
(Come on guys, it was a long day; you were expecting me to look sexy???)
Spent Saturday with my sister and family. Here I am with my niece "Legs"…..she just turned fifteen....she’s kinda tall.
(Hellooooo??? Can you see me???)
Spent Saturday with my sister and family. Here I am with my niece "Legs"…..she just turned fifteen....she’s kinda tall.
(Hellooooo??? Can you see me???)
Hope you all had a MOST fabulous weekend as well!
There you arrrrreee.
How short are you? I would normally ask how tall are you but... ;o)
Nope, you were not too late for the SSCSI gift thing. I'll let you know tonight who your person is. :o)
I'm not THAT short....I'm 5'3½" almost 5'4". Now my daughter? She's short; she barely tops 5'.
Bee.....aren't you a tad shorter than me?
Yay for Spawn and his Eagles! Congratulations!
Looks like you all had a great time. But are you sure you aren't 5'3 & 3/4"? :)
But did you get to go to the dressing rooms? - tell us - tell us!
(That was my comment I deleted above. Too many damned spelling and grammatical errors.)
Yey Eagles!!! My high school football team was the Eagles too except we sucked. We won 6 games the entire 4 years I was there (0-10, 1-9, 4-6, 1-9). I didn't play because I was (and still am) an uncoordinated dork.
So...when you and Leggs want to have a conversation, do you need to stand on a chair? lol
Congrats to the champions - woot, woot!
some advice needed:
I'm Looking to purchase [url=][b]TV Stands[/b][/url] or TV [url=][b]Wall Units[/b][/url] For an apartment I'min the process of buying.
Can you peoplegive me a good recommendation of where is the topdeal on these? I live in New York and I heard that the big thing about these [url=][b]tv stands[/b][/url] is the cost of shipping and installation.
I also found this great article about wiring your entertainment center:
much appreciated
[url=][img]  [/img][/url]
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